A speech-language therapy app
by Aphasia Talks Inc.
Simple level
Moderate level
Complex level
Select the LANGUAGE to use within the Settings. The app contains: English, Spanish (Español), Spanish (Castilian),
Chinese (Mandarin), Italian, Hindi, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Filipino
Materials at the ready
As busy speech-language pathologists with high productivity levels, we are always searching for useful therapy materials that are easily adaptable for a variety of clients. We are a group of dynamic, caring professionals who strive to provide skilled services in a constantly expanding field. Apps & technology have emerged as effective tools for functional, interactive aphasia therapy for in-person sessions, telepractice, and home carryover.
Introducing Cue→Name (Objects), an app with clear photographs designed to treat word finding deficits, a common component of aphasia.
500+ clear photos grouped by 3 complexity levels to fit all of your clients' needs, including aphasia, apraxia, and dementia.
Confrontation naming, responsive naming, forced-choice naming, description, repetition, oral reading, gesture, and writing goals can all be addressed with this app!
Cue→Name (Objects) is SMART-goal ready: The client will improve confrontation naming for simple / moderate / complex objects to enable communication of wants and needs with minimal / moderate / maximal assist to __% accuracy within __ sessions.
Clients can name the object independently, select a first letter cue for min assist, a printed word cue for mod assist, or a verbal model for max assist as needed for success. The uncluttered aphasia-friendly interface enables home practice for clients to continue work independently or with a family member/caregiver.
English, Spanish (Español or Castilian), Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Filipino versions are included in one app, with more languages coming! Images were selected with mindfulness for cultural inclusion.
EBP research* has supported app use to allow for additional client practice which can enhance progress and possibly extend coverage for rehab services.
Cue→Name (Objects)
is available for download onto your mobile device
Simple level
Moderate level
Complex level
Many would argue that recovery for verbs is equal to, or even more vital, than for nouns. Action words carry content and communicate ideas. Access to this vocabulary help progress expressive language from the single word to the phrase and sentence level.
Cue→Name (Actions) contains over 165 verbs within 3 complexity levels. This app has the same features for cued assist for word retrieval, which is uncluttered and user-friendly.
Speech-language pathologists will utilize the images and word prompts in therapy with their clients to address confrontation and responsive naming, create verbal and written sentences, and to describe the scene.
The app is amenable to EBP treatments including:
Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST)
Response Elaboration Training (RET)
Lexical Retrieval Cascade Treatment (LRT)
Gestural Facilitation of Naming (GES)
Copy and Recall Treatment (CART)
Promoting Aphasics' Communicative Effectiveness (PACE)
Communication Partner Training (CPT) and more!
Cue→Name (Actions)
is available for download onto your mobile device
Cue→Name Objects
Cue→Name Actions
Aphasia Talks Inc.
is excited to expand
our app selections,
so stay tuned!
Mindy Schnell, MS, CCC-SLP, is a clinical educator and adjunct instructor with 33 years of experience treating adult neurogenic speech-language-cognitive disorders. She utilizes technology extensively with her clients and runs app seminars and groups to introduce graduate students in speech-language pathology to all that apps have to offer for a variety of deficits and treatment plans.
The mission of Aphasia Talks Inc.is to provide high quality, affordable apps to SLPs, clients, and families to support them in their communication journey.
* References
Ameer, K. & Ali, K. (2017). iPad use in stroke neurorehabilitation. Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland), 2(1), 2.
Brady, M.C., Kelly, H., Godwin, J., Enderby, P., & Campbell, P. (2016). Speech and language therapy for aphasia following stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 6.
Cavanaugh, R., Kravetz, C., Jarold, L., Quique, Y., Turner, R., & Evans, W. S. (2021). Is there a research-practice dosage gap in aphasia rehabilitation? American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(5), 2115-2129.
Donoso Brown, E.V., Wallace, S.E., Liu, Q. (2021). Speech-language pathologists' practice patterns when designing home practice programs for persons with aphasia: A survey. Amer J of Sp-Lang Path. 30, 2605-2615.
Flurie, M., Ungrady, M., Reilly, J. (2020). Evaluating a maintenance-based treatment approach to preventing lexical dropout in progressive anomia. J of Sp, Lang & H Research. (63), 4082-4095.
Hashimoto, N. (2020). The use of written naming and repetition to treat naming deficits in aphasia. Amer J of Sp-Lang Path. 29, 216-237.
Henry, M.L., Hubbard, H.I., Grasso, S.M., Dial, H.R., Benson, P.M., Miller, B.L., & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. (2019). Treatment for word retrieval in semantic and logopenic variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia: Immediate and long-term outcomes. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 62(8), 2723-2749.
Hickin, J., Cruice, M., & Dipper, L. (2020). A systematically conducted scoping review of the evidence and fidelity of treatments for verb deficits in aphasia: Verb-in-isolation treatments. Amer J of Sp-Lang Path. 29, 530-559.
Jiang, Z., He, M., Zhang, C. & Chen, X. (2024). The effect of mobile application-based technology on post-stroke aphasia: A systematic review. Frontiers: Neurology, 15. DOI 10.3389/fneur.2024.1405209.
Kurland, J., Wilkins, A., & Stokes, P. (2014). iPractice: Piloting the effectiveness of a tablet-based home practice program in aphasia treatment. Semin Speech Lang, 35, 51-64.
Lavoie, M., Bier, N., & Macoir, J. (2019). Efficacy of a self-administered treatment using a smart tablet to improve functional vocabulary in post-stroke aphasia: A case-series study. Int J Lang Commun Disord, 54(2), 249-264.
Lavoie, M., Macoir, J., & Bier, N. (2017). Effectiveness of technologies in the post-stroke treatment of anomia: A systematic review.
J Commun Disord, 65, 43-53.
Li, R. & Kiran, S. (2023). Treatment-induced recovery patterns between nouns and verbs in Mandarin-English bilingual adults with aphasia. Amer J of Sp-Lang Path. 32, 2128-2145.
Ramsberger, G. & Marie, B. (2007). Self-administered cued naming therapy: A single-participant investigation of a computer-based therapy program replicated in four cases. Amer J of Sp-Lang Path. 16, 343-358.
RELEASE Collaborators. (2022). Dosage, intensity, and frequency of language therapy for aphasia: A systematic review-based, individual participant data network meta-analysis. Stroke AHA. (Feb 2022 edition) 121.035216.
Silkes, J.P. (2023). Repetition priming treatment for anomia: Effects of single-and multiple-exemplar protocols. Amer J of Sp-Lang Path, 32, 2528-2553.
Spaccavento, S., Falcone, R, Cellamare, F., Picciola, E., & Glueckauf, R.L. (2021). Effects of computer-based therapy versus therapist- mediated therapy in stroke-related aphasia: Pilot non-inferiority study. J of Commun Disord. Vol 94. 106158.
Stark, B.C. & Warburton, E.A. (2016). Improved language in chronic aphasia after self-delivered iPad speech therapy. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2016.1146150
Sze, W.P., Hameau, S., Warren, J. & Best, W. (2021). Identifying the components a successful spoken naming therapy: a meta-analysis of word-finding interventions for adults with aphasia. Aphasiology. 35 (1), 33-72.
Zheng, C., Lynch, L.., & Taylor, N. (2016). Effect of computer therapy in aphasia: A systematic review. Aphasiology, 30(2-3), 211-244.